The data of this archaeological site are originated from the central official archaeology database of the Prime Minister's Office. Archaeological Investigations in Hungary41876_Deszk_2010_RKM.pdf Site name variations Vénó Fehértó 50. Site data Site data Site ID 41876 End of excavation, fieldwork December 31, 1975 May 29, 1984 November 21, 2010 July 31, 2013 Administrative area Csongrád-Csanád Szeged district Deszk Type of archaeological site cemetery settlement remains Lead archaeologist, participants, scientific responsible, institutions Lead archaeologist Matúz, Edit Horváth, Ferenc - archaeologist Lajkó, Orsolya - archaeologist Bede, Ádám - archaeologist Ages Age Prehistory Roman Age Medieval Period Neolithic Copper Age Bronze Age Avar Árpádian Age Late Medieval Sub-period Early-Middle Bronze Age Culture / people Perjámos Sarmatian Keywords archaeological observation/watching brief excavation field walking Documentation Documentation language Hungarian Date of creating the documentation 2004 2010 July 31, 2013 Documentation type Archaeological Investigations in Hungary Creator of documentation (people) Trogmayer, Ottó Horváth, Ferenc - archaeologist Lajkó, Orsolya - archaeologist Lőrinczy, Gábor - archaeologist Matúz, Edit Németh, Patrícia - archaeologist Kondacs, Julianna Bede, Ádám - archaeologist Documentation downloads Site documentation