The data of this archaeological site are originated from the central official archaeology database of the Prime Minister's Office. Archaeological Investigations in Hungary41925_Ebes_2003_RKM.pdf Site name variations Zsong-völgy Site data Site data Site ID 41925 Projects Ebes – Debrecen vasútvonal (V100.36) (401006) Püspökladány - Nyíregyháza közötti vasútvonal rekonstrukciója (400090) End of excavation, fieldwork June 3, 2003 October 18, 2007 August 28, 2009 2015 August 19, 2015 September 10, 2015 September 17, 2015 December, 2017 2018 2019 2023 2024 Administrative area Hajdú-Bihar Hajdúszoboszló district Ebes Type of archaeological site building cemetery fontain/well settlement settlement settlement remains waterwork Lead archaeologist, participants, scientific responsible, institutions Lead archaeologist Aranyos, Annamária - archaeologist Szilágyi, Krisztián Antal - archaeologist Laczi, Orsolya - archaeologist Buránszki, Nóra - archaeologist Mesterházy, Gábor - archaeologist Dani, János - archaeologist Szilágyi, Krisztián Antal - archaeologist Kolozsi, Barbara - archaeologist Buránszki, Nóra - archaeologist Szabó, László - archaeologist Serlegi, Gábor - archaeologist Excavation, fieldwork Budavári Ingatlanfejlesztő és Üzemeltető Nonprofit Kft. Forster Gyula Nemzeti Örökségvédelmi és Vagyongazdálkodási Központ Participant/scientific responsible Hullám, Dénes - archaeologist Kiss, László - archaeologist Stibrányi, Máté - archaeologist Mesterházy, Gábor - archaeologist Nagy, László - archaeologist Kecskés, Bence - archaeological technician, geologist Takács, Péter - geophysicist Pethe, Mihály - geophysicist Ages Age Prehistory Roman Age Migration Period Medieval Period Neolithic Bronze Age Iron Age Imperial Age Avar Árpádian Age Late Medieval Sub-period Middle Neolithic Middle Iron Age Late Iron Age Late Roman Age Late Avar Age Culture / people Alföld Linear Pottery Scythian Celtic Sarmatian Avar Phase Sarmatians Keywords data collection excavation Preliminary Archaeological Documentation Report (PAD) field walking geophysical survey on the spot site survey Documentation Documentation language Hungarian Date of creating the documentation October 18, 2007 August 24, 2015 September 24, 2015 2017 May 2, 2018 2019 2023 2024 Documentation type Archaeological Investigations in Hungary Preliminary Archaeological Documentation Report (PAD) Creator of documentation (people) Aranyos, Annamária - archaeologist Laczi, Orsolya - archaeologist Buránszki, Nóra - archaeologist Dani, János - archaeologist Szilágyi, Krisztián Antal - archaeologist Hajdú, Zsigmond - archaeologist Kolozsi, Barbara - archaeologist Szabó, László - archaeologist Serlegi, Gábor - archaeologist Deák, Rita - archaeologist Creator of documentation (institution) Budavári Ingatlanfejlesztő és Üzemeltető Nonprofit Kft. Forster Gyula Nemzeti Örökségvédelmi és Vagyongazdálkodási Központ Hajdú-Bihar Megyei Múzeumok Igazgatósága (Debrecen) Short description of documentation archaeological geophysical logbook archaeological geophysical report archaeological site registry data sheet field walking logbook Documentation downloads Site documentation Cultural heritage protection documentations