The data of this archaeological site are originated from the central official archaeology database of the Prime Minister's Office. Site name variations Szauter József földje Sziget-dűlő Bicske 4. lelőhely Site data Site data Site ID 21742 Projects Szent László – patak rehabilitációja (401041) End of excavation, fieldwork 1997 August 21, 2017 2020 Administrative area Fejér Bicske district Bicske Type of archaeological site building cemetery settlement remains Lead archaeologist, participants, scientific responsible, institutions Lead archaeologist Tankó, Károly - archaeologist, heritage expert Hullám, Dénes - archaeologist Kovács, Ágnes - archaeologist Excavation, fieldwork Budavári Ingatlanfejlesztő és Üzemeltető Nonprofit Kft. Ages Age Prehistory Roman Age Keywords data collection Preliminary Archaeological Documentation Report (PAD) on the spot site survey Documentation Documentation language Hungarian Date of creating the documentation 2008 August 24, 2017 2020 Documentation type Archival documentation Preliminary Archaeological Documentation Report (PAD) Creator of documentation (people) Ismeretlen Vágner, Zsolt - archaeologist Hullám, Dénes - archaeologist Kovács, Ágnes - archaeologist Creator of documentation (institution) Budavári Ingatlanfejlesztő és Üzemeltető Nonprofit Kft. Documentation downloads Cultural heritage protection documentations