Tiszakürt, Földeslapos-Csukás-mellékcsatorna, Pincegazdaság

The data of this archaeological site are originated from the central official archaeology database of the Prime Minister's Office.

Archaeological Investigations in Hungary

Site name variations
Beszer-lapos K-i partja
Földeslapos-Csukás-mellékcsatorna, Pincegazdaság
RL 24
ERD 3. lh.
ERD 38.
Tiszakürt 6. lelőhely
Tiszakürt 7. lelőhely
Site data
Site data
Site ID

Topographic map

  • 03_​72847_​2018_​TT.pdf
Lead archaeologist, participants, scientific responsible, institutions
Access rights
registered access
Documentation downloads

When you use information from the database it has to be referenced.
How to cite: Hungarian National Museum Archaeology Database, https://archeodatabase.hnm.hu/index.php/en/node/21045, 13 March, 2025