Archaeological Investigations in Hungary43296_Oroshaza_2004_RKM.pdf43296_Oroshaza_2007_RKM.pdf Site name variations Szűcs-tanya 77. lelőhely Községporta Site data Site data Site ID 43296 End of excavation, fieldwork May 11, 2004 November 20, 2004 September 28, 2007 July 17, 2009 Administrative area Békés Orosház district Orosháza Type of archaeological site building cemetery settlement settlement remains Lead archaeologist, participants, scientific responsible, institutions Lead archaeologist Rózsa, Zoltán - archaeologist Huszár, Edit - archaeologist Medgyesi, Pál - archaeologist Liska, András - archaeologist Excavation, fieldwork Nagy Gyula Területi Múzeum (Orosháza) Curator of archaeological collection Nagy Gyula Területi Múzeum (Orosháza) Participant/scientific responsible Rózsa, Zoltán - archaeologist Kreiter, Attila - archaeologist, ceramic specialist Pánczél, Péter - geologist Ages Age Prehistory Roman Age Migration Period Medieval Period Iron Age Imperial Age Avar Árpádian Age Sub-period Late Iron Age Late Roman Age Middle Avar Age Culture / people Celtic Sarmatian Phase Celtic Sarmatians Keywords archaeometry excavation ceramic petrography ceramic petrography (Árpádian Age and Medieval) field walking on the spot site survey oven Documentation Documentation language Hungarian Date of creating the documentation 2004 2007 October 19, 2007 July 29, 2009 January 21, 2015 Documentation type Archaeological Investigations in Hungary Ceramic analysis documentation Ceramic analysis documentation (Árpádian Age and Medieval) Creator of documentation (people) Kreiter, Attila - archaeologist, ceramic specialist Pánczél, Péter - geologist Rózsa, Zoltán - archaeologist Liska, András - archaeologist Medgyesi, Pál - archaeologist Huszár, Edit - archaeologist Creator of documentation (institution) Hungarian National Museum (Budapest) Nagy Gyula Területi Múzeum (Orosháza) Békés Megyei Múzeumok Igazgatósága (Békéscsaba) Magyar Nemzeti Múzeum Nemzeti Örökségvédelmi Központ Short description of documentation scientific documentation of the site ARIADNE resource type Sites and monuments databases or inventories Scientific datasets Access rights Access rights registered access Documentation downloads Site documentation