The data of this archaeological site are originated from the central official archaeology database of the Prime Minister's Office. Archaeological Investigations in Hungary20105_Beremend_2011_RKM.pdf20105_Beremend_2012_RKM.pdf Site name variations Csípőtelek Site data Site data Site ID 20105 End of excavation, fieldwork September 4, 2001 July 22, 2010 December 21, 2011 January 16, 2012 Administrative area Baranya Siklós district Beremend Type of archaeological site settlement settlement remains Lead archaeologist, participants, scientific responsible, institutions Lead archaeologist Kiss, Attila - archaeologist Virágos, Gábor - archaeologist Kovaliczky, Gergely - archaeologist Ages Age Prehistory Medieval Phase 13th century Keywords archaeological observation/watching brief excavation baking oven on the spot site survey oven Documentation Documentation language Hungarian Date of creating the documentation November 22, 1975 2001 July 16, 2003 July 27, 2010 June 7, 2012 Documentation type Archaeological Investigations in Hungary Creator of documentation (people) Virágos, Gábor - archaeologist Kiss, Attila - archaeologist Kovaliczky, Gergely - archaeologist Klinger, László - archaeologist Virágos, Réka - archaeologist Kovaliczky, Gergely - archaeologist ARIADNE resource type Sites and monuments databases or inventories Access rights Access rights registered access Documentation downloads Site documentation