The data of this archaeological site are originated from the central official archaeology database of the Prime Minister's Office. Site name variations Jend-domb Site data Site data Site ID 31198 End of excavation, fieldwork November 11, 1111 March 28, 1951 April 9, 1951 April 5, 1968 March 21, 1979 December 31, 1994 Administrative area Győr-Moson-Sopron Csorna district Rábcakapi Type of archaeological site settlement remains grave cemetery stone monument uncertain burial Lead archaeologist, participants, scientific responsible, institutions Lead archaeologist Lovas, Elemér Mithay, Sándor Gabler, Dénes - archaeologist Tomka, Péter - archaeologist Takács, Károly - archaeologist Ages Age Prehistory Roman Age Migration Period Medieval Unknown Period Bronze Age Avar Árpádian Age Sub-period Middle Bronze Age Culture / people Transdanubian Encrusted Pottery Tumulus Celtic Avar Keywords data collection field walking on the spot site survey stamped brick statue coin Documentation Documentation language Hungarian Creator of documentation (people) Figler, András - archaeologist Gabler, Dénes - archaeologist Lovas, Elemér Mithay, Sándor Tomka, Péter - archaeologist Ismeretlen Szentpéteri, József