The data of this archaeological site are originated from the central official archaeology database of the Prime Minister's Office. Site name variations Római temető MRT 7. kötet 28/2. lh. Site data Site data Site ID 11523 Projects Szentendre, 402/34. hrsz. alatt új SPAR élelmiszerüzlet építése End of excavation, fieldwork January 19, 1929 May 25, 1953 May 25, 1955 July 24, 1955 September 3, 1957 December, 1958 June, 1959 June 29, 1959 January 12, 1962 June 11, 1962 October 6, 1963 July 13, 1965 August 14, 1965 November 13, 1969 May 16, 1970 May 22, 1978 June 25, 1982 May 14, 1988 May, 1994 November 30, 2007 November 16, 2009 May 8, 2013 September 4, 2014 December 31, 2014 August 10, 2015 November 17, 2015 July 9, 2018 February 19, 2024 June 21, 2024 July 3, 2024 Administrative area Pest Szentendre district Szentendre Type of archaeological site brick-lined grave building burial wall grave stone monument Lead archaeologist, participants, scientific responsible, institutions Lead archaeologist Nagy, Lajos Soproni, Sándor B., Thomas Edit Tettamanti, Sarolta - archaeologist Maróti, Éva - archaeologist Ottományi, Katalin - archaeologist Stibrányi, Máté - archaeologist Zimborán, Gábor - archaeologist Rajna, András - archaeologist Buránszki, Nóra - archaeologist Bózsa, Anikó - archaeologist Décsi, Enikő - archaeologist Excavation, fieldwork Ferenczy Múzeumi Centrum Curator of archaeological collection Ferenczy Múzeumi Centrum Participant/scientific responsible Bózsa, Anikó - archaeologist Giedl, Dániel - archaeologist Jászberényi, Mónika - archaeologist Nagy, Balázs - archaeologist Páncsics, Petra - archaeologist Patay, Róbert - archaeologist Rajna, András - archaeologist Rácz, Tibor Ákos - archaeologist Zandler, Krisztián - archaeologist Lenge, Anna - archaeological technician Sima, Gábor - archaeological technician Szabó, Dominika - archaeological technician Zsabokorszky, Dénes - archaeological technician Bartha, Dániel - archaeological technician Bende, Marcell - archaeological technician György, Eda - archaeological technician Labundy, Bertalan - archaeological technician Hajdú, László - technician Jakucs, János - research fellow Prander, Péter - archaeologist Rupnik, László - archaeologist Fekete, Gertrúd - archaeological technician Hüse, Asztrik - archaeologist Pál, Dalma Ekrik, Ákos - student Králik, Kamilla - student Sajtos, Dorina - student Ages Age Prehistory Roman Age Period Neolithic Bronze Age Imperial Age Sub-period Late Neolithic Early Roman Age Late Roman Age Culture / people Lengyel Keywords data collection archaeological observation/watching brief excavation stamped brick coin field walking grave stone on the spot site survey preliminary excavation terra sigillata (Samian ware) Documentation Documentation language Hungarian Date of creating the documentation 1953 1955 1957 1958 1959 1962 1964 1965 1969 1970 1982 1986 1994 2007 2008 November 13, 2009 October 2, 2013 August 19, 2014 October 9, 2014 September 8, 2015 December 7, 2015 August, 2018 March 10, 2024 July 9, 2024 Documentation type Site summary documentation (Thirty-day documentation) Site assessment documentation (One-year documentation) Publication/Bibliography Creator of documentation (people) Nagy, Lajos Tettamanti, Sarolta - archaeologist Soproni, Sándor B., Thomas Edit Dinnyés, István - archaeologist Kővári, Klára - archaeologist Lovag, Zsuzsa - archaeologist Topál, Judit - archaeologist Torma, István - archaeologist Ottományi, Katalin - archaeologist Maróti, Éva - archaeologist Klinger, László - archaeologist Stibrányi, Máté - archaeologist Rajna, András - archaeologist Zimborán, Gábor - archaeologist Koller, Melinda - archaeologist Bózsa, Anikó - archaeologist Décsi, Enikő - archaeologist Creator of documentation (institution) Ferenczy Múzeumi Centrum Short description of documentation archaeological site registry data sheet excavation documentation of the site