The data of this archaeological site are originated from the central official archaeology database of the Prime Minister's Office. Site name variations Kiss János u. Keleti u. Site data Site data Site ID 51295 Projects Hajdúnánás – Hajdúdorog szennyvízcsatorna hálózat bővítése End of excavation, fieldwork June 27, 1978 May 31, 2015 Administrative area Hajdú-Bihar Hajdúböszörmény district Hajdúdorog Type of archaeological site uncertain cemetery Lead archaeologist, participants, scientific responsible, institutions Lead archaeologist M., Antalóczy Ildikó Magyar, Csaba - archaeologist Excavation, fieldwork Forster Gyula Nemzeti Örökségvédelmi és Vagyongazdálkodási Központ Ages Age Roman Age Medieval Early Modern Age Period Late Medieval Culture / people Sarmatian Keywords data collection Preliminary Archaeological Documentation Report (PAD) on the spot site survey stray find Documentation Documentation language Hungarian Date of creating the documentation February 22, 2010 May 19, 2015 Documentation type Preliminary Archaeological Documentation Report (PAD) Creator of documentation (people) Dani, János - archaeologist Lukács, József - archaeologist M., Antalóczy Ildikó Aranyos, Annamária - archaeologist Creator of documentation (institution) Forster Gyula Nemzeti Örökségvédelmi és Vagyongazdálkodási Központ Access rights Access rights registered access