Archaeological Investigations in Hungary46990_Lulla_2010_RKM.pdf46990_Lulla_2011_RKM.pdf46990_Lulla_2013_RKM.pdf Site name variations Büdösalja Büdös-alja Középkori Lulla ERD 1. lelőhely 1. lelőhely Site data Site data Site ID 46990 Projects 65137. sz. főút, Balatonendréd-Lulla összekötőút építése End of excavation, fieldwork November 17, 2004 April, 2005 December 8, 2010 2011 October 6, 2011 June 20, 2013 Administrative area Somogy Tab district Lulla Type of archaeological site brick kiln village fontain/well settlement settlement remains waterwork Topographic map Topographic map09_1_46990_2010_2011_TT.pdf09_1_46990_2010_2011_TT.pdfSummarizing map09_2_46990_2010-2011_OT.pdf Lead archaeologist, participants, scientific responsible, institutions Lead archaeologist Molnár, István - archaeologist Somogyi, Krisztina - archaeologist Tokai, Zita Mária - archaeologist Excavation, fieldwork Somogy Megyei Múzeumok Igazgatósága (Kaposvár) Curator of archaeological collection Hungarian National Museum (Budapest) Participant/scientific responsible Molnár, István - archaeologist Somogyi, Krisztina - archaeologist Tokai, Zita Mária - archaeologist Ages Age Prehistory Roman Age Medieval Period Copper Age Bronze Age Iron Age Imperial Age Árpádian Age Late Medieval Sub-period Middle Copper Age Early Bronze Age Late Árpádian Age Late Middle Age Culture / people Balaton-Lasinja Somogyvár-Vinkovci Celtic Phase La Tène Keywords excavation field walking oven preliminary excavation Documentation Documentation language Hungarian Date of creating the documentation 2004 2005 November 30, 2007 November 10, 2011 October 6, 2012 July 15, 2013 Documentation type Site summary documentation (Thirty-day documentation) Site assessment documentation (One-year documentation) Archaeological Investigations in Hungary Creator of documentation (people) Molnár, István - archaeologist Reményi, László - archaeologist Somogyi, Krisztina - archaeologist Tokai, Zita Mária - archaeologist Sipos, Carmen - archaeologist Rákóczi, Gábor Creator of documentation (institution) Somogy Megyei Múzeumok Igazgatósága (Kaposvár) Kulturális Örökségvédelmi Szakszolgálat (Budapest) Aeroart Short description of documentation excavation documentation of the site short summary of the excavation ARIADNE resource type Event/intervention resources Fieldwork archives Sites and monuments databases or inventories Access rights Access rights registered access Documentation downloads Site documentation