Archaeological Investigations in Hungary53338_Debrecen_2005_RKM.pdf53338_Debrecen_2008_RKM.pdf53338_Debrecen_2009_RKM.pdf53338_Debrecen_2010_RKM.pdf Site name variations Tócó-part Erdőalja Site data Site data Site ID 53338 Projects 4. sz. főút, Debrecen elkerülő szakaszának a 35. sz. főúttól Bocskai-kertig terjedő szakaszának területén End of excavation, fieldwork May 10, 2005 November 30, 2005 December 21, 2007 August 19, 2009 2010 March 11, 2010 Administrative area Hajdú-Bihar Debrecen district Debrecen Type of archaeological site burial fontain/well grave settlement Topographic map Topographic map07_1_53338_2008_2010_TT.pdf03_53338_2010_TT.pdf Lead archaeologist, participants, scientific responsible, institutions Lead archaeologist Hajdú, Zsigmond - archaeologist Szabó, László - archaeologist Nagy, Emese Gyöngyvér - archaeologist Excavation, fieldwork Hajdú-Bihar Megyei Múzeumok Igazgatósága (Debrecen) Curator of archaeological collection Hajdú-Bihar Megyei Múzeumok Igazgatósága (Debrecen) Participant/scientific responsible Hajdú, Zsigmond - archaeologist Nagy, Emese Gyöngyvér - archaeologist Bocsi, Zsófia - archaeologist Ringer, István - archaeologist Szelekovszky, Márta - archaeologist D. Szabó, László - archaeologist Mester, Péter - archaeologist Szabó, Nóra - archaeologist, archaeological technician Juhász, László - archaeological technician Csörgő, József - archaeological technician Janka, Edvárd - archaeological technician Fehér, Csaba - illustrator Faragóné Csutak, Tünde - archaeological technician Székely, István - archaeological technician Papp, Enikő - archaeological technician Ortutay, Róbert - archaeological technician, surveyor Sárvári, Katalin - archaeological technician Czinegéné Kiss, Ilona - archaeological technician Domán, Szabolcs - archaeological technician Tóth, Gyula - conservator/restorer Herczeg, Zsuzsanna - conservator/restorer Rostás, Zita - conservator/restorer Szoliva, Ildikó - conservator/restorer Sipeki, Zoltán - conservator/restorer Váradi, László - conservator/restorer Havasi, Dóra - conservator/restorer Bakonyi, Eszter - conservator/restorer Városi, Katalin - conservator/restorer Nagy, Melinda - conservator/restorer Szőke, Gábor - conservator/restorer Gutay, Mónika - archaeologist Szilágyi, Krisztián Antal - archaeologist Dani, János - archaeologist Hága, Tamara - archaeologist Tóth Mihályné - archaeological technician Kolozsi, Barbara - archaeologist Bajkai, Rozália - archaeologist Boruzs, Katalin - archaeologist Laczi, Orsolya - archaeologist Telekes, Katalin Eszter - archaeologist Lukácsné Nagy, Márta - archaeologist Pintye, Gábor - archaeologist Hullám, Dénes - archaeologist Bőr, Gabriella - archaeological technician Ages Age Prehistory Roman Age Migration Period Medieval Modern Age Period Neolithic Copper Age Bronze Age Iron Age Imperial Age Avar Árpádian Age Late Medieval Ottoman Age Sub-period Middle Neolithic Late Iron Age Early Roman Age Late Avar Age Late Árpádian Age Late Middle Age Early Modern Age Culture / people Alföld Linear Pottery Celtic Phase 8th - 9th centuries 13th - 14th centuries 15th century 16th - 17th centuries Esztár group Celtic Sarmatians Ottoman Keywords excavation field walking preliminary excavation Documentation Documentation language Hungarian Date of creating the documentation 2006 February 20, 2009 May 4, 2010 March 11, 2011 Documentation type Site summary documentation (Thirty-day documentation) Site assessment documentation (One-year documentation) Archaeological Investigations in Hungary Archaeological site registry data sheet Artefact drawing Artefact photography A brief summary of the primary processing of the excavation Inventory Restoration of documentation Creator of documentation (people) Hajdú, Zsigmond - archaeologist Szabó, László - archaeologist Aranyos, Annamária - archaeologist Kolozsi, Barbara - archaeologist Nagy, Emese Gyöngyvér - archaeologist Bocsi, Zsófia - archaeologist Creator of documentation (institution) Hajdú-Bihar Megyei Múzeumok Igazgatósága (Debrecen) Short description of documentation archaeological site registry data sheet doscumentation of primary assessment of finds excavation documentation of the site finds inventory of the site restoration documentation of the finds short summary of the excavation ARIADNE resource type Burial databases Event/intervention resources Fieldwork archives Sites and monuments databases or inventories Access rights Access rights registered access Documentation downloads Site documentation