The data of this archaeological site are originated from the central official archaeology database of the Prime Minister's Office. Site name variations Dunakömlőd, Szalmás-dűlő Annamatia 9. burgus RPH 23. Site data Site data Site ID 62650 End of excavation, fieldwork September 30, 1999 December 31, 2009 March 25, 2010 September 30, 2015 Administrative area Tolna Paks district Paks Type of archaeological site wachtower road cemetery settlement remains Lead archaeologist, participants, scientific responsible, institutions Lead archaeologist Tarczal, János Beszédes, József - archaeologist Visy, Zsolt - archaeologist Varga, Gábor - archaeologist Stibrányi, Máté - archaeologist Ages Age Prehistory Roman Age Migration Period Period Iron Age Avar Carolingian Age Sub-period Early Iron Age Culture / people Avar Keywords data collection excavation field walking on the spot site survey geophysical survey Documentation Documentation language Hungarian Date of creating the documentation March, 1999 2000 2010 July 15, 2010 September 7, 2010 2011 May 26, 2011 September 14, 2012 2013 November 18, 2015 Creator of documentation (people) Lóki, Róbert Visy, Zsolt - archaeologist K., Németh András - archaeologist Beszédes, József - archaeologist Nagy, Levente - archaeologist Máté, Zsolt Varga, Gábor - archaeologist