The data of this archaeological site are originated from the central official archaeology database of the Prime Minister's Office. Site name variations Kőhidi-dűlő ERD 06. Site data Site data Site ID 92097 Projects M3 autópálya – Eger közötti gyorsforgalmi útszakasz (M25 autóút) déli ütem (A025.03) End of excavation, fieldwork May 25, 2016 June 15, 2017 July 2, 2017 November 16, 2017 July 12, 2018 Administrative area Heves Füzesabony district Füzesabony Type of archaeological site settlement remains Topographic map Topographic map03_92097_2017_2018_TT.pdf03_92097_2017_TT.pdf Lead archaeologist, participants, scientific responsible, institutions Lead archaeologist Kovács, Katalin - archaeologist Bálint, Csaba - archaeologist Buránszki, Nóra - archaeologist Gallina, József Zsolt - archaeologist Excavation, fieldwork Dobó István Vármúzeum (Eger) Budavári Ingatlanfejlesztő és Üzemeltető Nonprofit Kft. Salisbury Régészeti Korlátolt Felelősségű Társaság ÁSATÁRS Kulturális, Régészeti Szolgáltató és Kereskedelmi Kft Curator of archaeological collection Dobó István Vármúzeum (Eger) Participant/scientific responsible Valasek, Enikő - archaeologist Tóth, Zoltán - archaeologist Kolonits, László - archaeologist Kurucz, Máté - research fellow Bernáth, László - archaeological technician Kron, Csaba - archaeological technician Tanyi, Sándor - archaeological technician, surveyor Holl, Balázs - archaeologist, geoinformatician Bittner, Bettina - archaeologist Koller, Melinda - archaeologist Nagy, László - archaeologist Mesterházy, Gábor - archaeologist Pethe, Mihály - geophysicist Kecskés, Bence - archaeological technician, geologist Somogyi, Ferenc - archaeological technician Fehér, Péter - archaeologist Major, Péter - archaeologist Nyerges, Éva Ágnes - archaeologist, archaeozoologist Ages Age Prehistory Roman Age Period Copper Age Bronze Age Iron Age Imperial Age Sub-period Late Copper Age Early Bronze Age Late Bronze Age Culture / people Baden Sarmatian Keywords Preliminary Archaeological Documentation Report (PAD) field walking geodetic survey geophysical survey preliminary excavation test excavation Documentation Documentation language Hungarian Date of creating the documentation June 6, 2016 June 20, 2017 July 15, 2017 December 15, 2017 August 2, 2018 Documentation type Site summary documentation (Thirty-day documentation) Preliminary Archaeological Documentation Report (PAD) A brief summary of the primary processing of the excavation Creator of documentation (people) Kovács, Katalin - archaeologist Bálint, Csaba - archaeologist Buránszki, Nóra - archaeologist Gallina, József Zsolt - archaeologist Creator of documentation (institution) Dobó István Vármúzeum (Eger) Short description of documentation archaeological geophysical logbook archaeological geophysical report archaeological site registry data sheet excavation documentation of the site field walking logbook scientific documentation of the site Access rights Access rights registered access Documentation downloads Site documentation Cultural heritage protection documentations