Site name variations Ny-dóci határút, Balástyai műút II. 40. Korompai-tanya 19. ERD 7. Site data Site data Site ID 20631 Projects Dóc Ivóvízminőség-javító program End of excavation, fieldwork 1993 2014 June 12, 2014 August 11, 2014 December 31, 2014 Administrative area Csongrád-Csanád Szeged district Dóc Type of archaeological site settlement remains Lead archaeologist, participants, scientific responsible, institutions Lead archaeologist Parditka, Györgyi - archaeologist Tóth, Katalin - archaeologist Paluch, Tibor - archaeologist Lajkó, Orsolya - archaeologist Excavation, fieldwork Hungarian National Museum (Budapest) Curator of archaeological collection Móra Ferenc Múzeum (Szeged) Participant/scientific responsible Parditka, Györgyi - archaeologist Lajkó, Orsolya - archaeologist Ages Age Medieval Period Árpádian Age Keywords Preliminary Archaeological Documentation Report (PAD) field walking archaeological observation/watching brief data collection archaeological observation/watching brief Documentation Documentation language Hungarian Date of creating the documentation 2014 October 13, 2014 Documentation type Preliminary Archaeological Documentation Report (PAD) Field walking report Creator of documentation (people) Parditka, Györgyi - archaeologist Lajkó, Orsolya - archaeologist Tóth, Katalin - archaeologist Paluch, Tibor - archaeologist Creator of documentation (institution) Hungarian National Museum (Budapest) Móra Ferenc Múzeum (Szeged) ARIADNE resource type Event/intervention resources Sites and monuments databases or inventories Access rights Access rights registered access Documentation downloads Cultural heritage protection documentations