Archaeological Investigations in Hungary764_Geszt_2013_RKM.pdf Site name variations Geszt, Szalontai-földek II. Geszt 29. lh. Site data Site data Site ID 764 Projects 42154 j. Geszt-Országhatár-Nagyszalontai út 12+570-15+338 km szelvények közötti szakasz felújítási munkái End of excavation, fieldwork December 31, 1996 December 31, 1997 December 31, 1998 April 15, 2013 July 11, 2013 Administrative area Békés Sarkad district Geszt Type of archaeological site ditch building settlement settlement remains Topographic map Topographic map09_1_764_2013_TT.pdf09_1_764_2013_TT.pdf09_1_764_2013_TT.pdfSummarizing map09_2_764_2013_OT.pdf09_2_764_2013_OT.pdf Lead archaeologist, participants, scientific responsible, institutions Lead archaeologist Gulyás, Gyöngyi - archaeologist Szatmári, Imre - archaeologist Parditka, Györgyi - archaeologist Excavation, fieldwork Munkácsy Mihály Múzeum (Békéscsaba) Curator of archaeological collection Munkácsy Mihály Múzeum (Békéscsaba) Participant/scientific responsible Gulyás, Gyöngyi - archaeologist Gallina, József Zsolt - archaeologist Ages Age Prehistory Roman Age Unknown Period Neolithic Copper Age Bronze Age Imperial Age Sub-period Early Copper Age Late Roman Age Culture / people Tiszapolgár Sarmatian Phase Sarmatians Keywords field walking test excavation Documentation Documentation language Hungarian Date of creating the documentation 2006 May 15, 2013 July 15, 2013 Documentation type Site summary documentation (Thirty-day documentation) Site assessment documentation (One-year documentation) Archaeological Investigations in Hungary Creator of documentation (people) Gulyás, Gyöngyi - archaeologist Szatmári, Imre - archaeologist Vágner, Zsolt - archaeologist Parditka, Györgyi - archaeologist Creator of documentation (institution) Munkácsy Mihály Múzeum (Békéscsaba) Békés Megyei Múzeumok Igazgatósága (Békéscsaba) Short description of documentation short summary of the excavation ARIADNE resource type Event/intervention resources Access rights Access rights registered access Documentation downloads Site documentation