The data of this archaeological site are originated from the central official archaeology database of the Prime Minister's Office. Site name variations Sigray Antal gróf birtoka Halmok Lugosi pataktól Ny-ra Site data Site data Site ID 43119 End of excavation, fieldwork November 29, 1928 October 19, 1929 July 9, 2005 Administrative area Vas Körmend district Hegyhátszentmárton Type of archaeological site tumulus Lead archaeologist, participants, scientific responsible, institutions Lead archaeologist Fettich, Nándor Belényesy, Károly - archaeologist Ages Age Roman Age Keywords excavation on the spot site survey Documentation Documentation language Hungarian Date of creating the documentation 1931 December 7, 2004 September 5, 2005 March, 2008 2009 July 8, 2009 Creator of documentation (people) B. Bónis, Éva - archaeologist (1919 - 1999) Fettich, Nándor Torma, István - archaeologist Ilon, Gábor - archaeologist Ismeretlen Szabó, Adrienne Klinger, László - archaeologist