Archaeological Investigations in Hungary62250_Bojt_2014_RKM.pdf Site name variations Gyűrű-szeg Kossuth tér-dűlő A 19 lh. Kossuth tér-dűlő, Gyűrű-szeg Site data Site data Site ID 62250 Projects M4 autópálya Berettyóújfalu-Nagykereki M4 autópálya Berettyóújfalu - Nagykereki (országhatár) közötti szakasz (5+550-32+030 kmsz.) (A004.07), II. ütem End of excavation, fieldwork April, 2008 April 17, 2012 April 2, 2014 August 8, 2014 2017 October 31, 2017 Administrative area Hajdú-Bihar Berettyóújfalu district Bojt Type of archaeological site burial cemetery settlement settlement remains Topographic map Topographic map03_62250_2017_TT.pdf Lead archaeologist, participants, scientific responsible, institutions Lead archaeologist D. Szabó, László - archaeologist Szabó, László - archaeologist Dani, János - archaeologist Márkus, Gábor - archaeologist Excavation, fieldwork Déri Múzeum (Debrecen) Curator of archaeological collection Déri Múzeum (Debrecen) Participant/scientific responsible D. Szabó, László - archaeologist Laczi, Orsolya - archaeologist Bőr, Gabriella - archaeological technician Jurás, Ákos - archaeological technician Czakó, Viktória - surveyor Domán, Szabolcs - archaeological technician Fehér, Csaba - illustrator Gulyás, Tímea - surveyor Ortutay, Róbert - archaeological technician, surveyor Ages Age Prehistory Period Neolithic Iron Age Sub-period Middle Neolithic Early Iron Age Middle Iron Age Late Iron Age Culture / people Alföld Linear Pottery Vekerzug/Alföld group Scythian Celtic Phase Esztár group Scythian Celtic Keywords field walking geodetic survey geophysical survey preliminary excavation test excavation Documentation Documentation language Hungarian Date of creating the documentation 2009 June 14, 2012 May 4, 2014 August 29, 2014 November 26, 2014 December, 2017 2019 2020 Documentation type Site summary documentation (Thirty-day documentation) Archaeological Investigations in Hungary A brief summary of the primary processing of the excavation Creator of documentation (people) D. Szabó, László - archaeologist Dani, János - archaeologist Lukács, József - archaeologist Aranyos, Annamária - archaeologist Laczi, Orsolya - archaeologist Kolozsi, Barbara - archaeologist Hajdú, Zsigmond - archaeologist Nagy, Emese Gyöngyvér - archaeologist Creator of documentation (institution) Déri Múzeum (Debrecen) Short description of documentation archaeological site registry data sheet short summary of the excavation scientific documentation of the site ARIADNE resource type Burial databases Event/intervention resources Access rights Access rights registered access Documentation downloads Site documentation