The data of this archaeological site are originated from the central official archaeology database of the Prime Minister's Office. Archaeological Investigations in Hungary16049_Mezocsat_2014_RKM.pdf Site name variations Laposhalom Site data Site data Site ID 16049 End of excavation, fieldwork 1958 January 31, 2013 October 5, 2013 Administrative area Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén Mezőcsát district Mezőcsát Type of archaeological site grave settlement settlement remains tell settlement Lead archaeologist, participants, scientific responsible, institutions Lead archaeologist Kalicz, Nándor - archaeologist Szörényi, Gábor András - archaeologist P. Fischl, Klára - archaeologist Participant/scientific responsible Kienlin, Tobias - archaeologist Pusztai, Tamás - archaeologist Bacskai, István - metal detectorist Joop, Kalis Balogh, András Ages Age Prehistory Medieval Period Bronze Age Árpádian Age Sub-period Early-Middle Bronze Age Middle Bronze Age Culture / people Hatvan Füzesabony Sarmatian Keywords metal detector survey field walking geophysical survey publication Documentation Documentation language English Hungarian Date of creating the documentation 1992 May 22, 2013 March 10, 2014 Documentation type Archaeological Investigations in Hungary Publication/Bibliography Creator of documentation (people) Ismeretlen Nováki, Gyula - archaeologist Sándorfi, György P. Fischl, Klára - archaeologist Szörényi, Gábor András - archaeologist Kienlin, Tobias - archaeologist Pusztai, Tamás - archaeologist Short description of documentation publications of the site Documentation downloads Site documentation