The data of this archaeological site are originated from the central official archaeology database of the Prime Minister's Office. Site name variations Palánk, Kolping iskola Szekszárd 29. lh. Site data Site data Site ID 66322 End of excavation, fieldwork December 31, 2018 June 12, 2023 July 12, 2023 Administrative area Tolna Szekszárd district Szekszárd Type of archaeological site cemetery grave settlement settlement settlement remains Lead archaeologist, participants, scientific responsible, institutions Lead archaeologist Oross, Krisztián - archaeologist Szegedi, Kristóf István - archaeologist Gergácz, Rebeka - archaeologist K., Tóth Gábor Vértes, László Excavation, fieldwork Isotoptech Zrt. Participant/scientific responsible Bárány, Annamária - archaeologist, archaeozoologist Lengyel, György - archaeologist Szegedi, Kristóf István - archaeologist Kovács, János Major, István - physicist Ages Age Prehistory Migration Period Medieval Period Palaeolithic Neolithic Bronze Age Germanic Avar Late Medieval Sub-period Late Neolithic Culture / people Germanic Hun Avar Phase Ostrogoths Keywords 14C excavation field walking soil analysis Documentation Documentation language Hungarian Date of creating the documentation June 12, 2023 July 12, 2023 Documentation type Dating Soil analysis Creator of documentation (people) Ismeretlen Kovács, János