The data of this archaeological site are originated from the central official archaeology database of the Prime Minister's Office. Site name variations Rác út - Farkastanya Site data Site data Site ID 3459 Projects Délkelet-Magyarországi ivóvízminőség-javító program 1. (DKMO1) End of excavation, fieldwork December 31, 1979 May 26, 2020 July 14, 2020 October 6, 2020 Administrative area Békés Szarvas district Békésszentandrás Type of archaeological site uncertain depo/treasure find settlement settlement remains Topographic map Topographic map03_3459_2020_TT.pdf Lead archaeologist, participants, scientific responsible, institutions Lead archaeologist Makkay, János - archaeologist Raczky, Pál - archaeologist Jankovich Bésán, Dénes - archaeologist Szőke, Béla Miklós - archaeologist Szarka, József - archaeologist Excavation, fieldwork Tessedik Sámuel Múzeum (Szarvas) Curator of archaeological collection Tessedik Sámuel Múzeum (Szarvas) Participant/scientific responsible Benus, Ferenc - technician Szrnka, Attila - technician Czesznak, Zsolt - metal detectorist Kelemen, Gábor - metal detectorist Ages Age Prehistory Roman Age Period Bronze Age Iron Age Imperial Age Sub-period Late Bronze Age Late Roman Age Culture / people Sarmatian Phase 5th century Gyermely horizon Sarmatians Keywords archaeological observation/watching brief metal detector survey field walking Documentation Documentation language Hungarian Date of creating the documentation 1989 October 28, 2020 Documentation type Site summary documentation (Thirty-day documentation) Publication/Bibliography Creator of documentation (people) Jankovich Bésán, Dénes - archaeologist Makkay, János - archaeologist Szőke, Béla Miklós - archaeologist Szarka, József - archaeologist Creator of documentation (institution) Tessedik Sámuel Múzeum (Szarvas) Short description of documentation archaeological site registry data sheet Access rights Access rights registered access Documentation downloads Site documentation