The data of this archaeological site are originated from the central official archaeology database of the Prime Minister's Office. Site name variations Nagytétényi út 216-218. Pannonplast Site data Site data Site ID 54827 End of excavation, fieldwork December 31, 1972 December 31, 1973 December 31, 1974 December 31, 1975 December 31, 1976 December 31, 1977 December 31, 1978 December 31, 1979 December 12, 1987 August 6, 2012 December 31, 2015 Administrative area Budapest Type of archaeological site uncertain cemetery settlement remains Lead archaeologist, participants, scientific responsible, institutions Lead archaeologist Kőszegi, Frigyes-Szirmai Krisztina Beszédes, József - archaeologist Koller, Melinda - archaeologist Debitzky, Katalin Kocsis, László - archaeologist Madarassy, Orsolya - archaeologist Szirmai, Krisztina - archaeologist Ages Age Prehistory Roman Age Period Bronze Age Keywords data collection archaeological observation/watching brief excavation stray find Documentation Documentation language Hungarian Date of creating the documentation January 28, 2013 February 26, 2015 Creator of documentation (people) Beszédes, József - archaeologist Éder, Katalin - archaeologist Koller, Melinda - archaeologist