The data of this archaeological site are originated from the central official archaeology database of the Prime Minister's Office. Site name variations Nagy Mihók-halma 27. Borbásföld Site data Site data Site ID 18286 End of excavation, fieldwork December 31, 1954 November 22, 1996 May 7, 2018 Administrative area Csongrád-Csanád Szentes district Szentes Type of archaeological site uncertain cemetery tumulus settlement remains Lead archaeologist, participants, scientific responsible, institutions Lead archaeologist Paszternák, István - archaeologist Csalog, József - archaeologist, ethnographer (1908 - 1978) Szabó, János Győző Ages Age Prehistory Medieval Early Modern Age Unknown Period Copper Age Hungarian Conquest Period Sub-period Middle Copper Age Culture / people Bodrogkeresztúr Keywords excavation field walking LIDAR survey stray find Documentation Documentation language Hungarian Date of creating the documentation 1955 1962 1963 1967 1970 1971 1975 1976 1983 1991 March 8, 2007 June 29, 2015 Documentation type LiDAR survey Creator of documentation (people) Bálint, Csanád - archaeologist Csallány, Dezső Kovalovszki, Júlia - archaeologist Nemeskéri, János - anthropologist Türk, Attila - archaeologist Szabó, János Győző Csalog, József - archaeologist, ethnographer (1908 - 1978) Bökönyi, Sándor - archaeozoologist Éry, Kinga Fehér, Géza - archaeologist Kralovánszky, Alán - archaeologist (1929 - 1993) Huszár, Lajos Kovács, László - archaeologist (1942 - ) Lipták, Pál Tettamanti, Sarolta - archaeologist B. Bónis, Éva - archaeologist (1919 - 1999) Sz., Burger Alice Balogh, Csilla - archaeologist Gallina, József Zsolt - archaeologist Liska, András - archaeologist Paszternák, István - archaeologist Szegedy, Emil Cséki, Andrea - archaeologist Kondacs, Julianna Bede, Ádám - archaeologist Documentation downloads Cultural heritage protection documentations