The data of this archaeological site are originated from the central official archaeology database of the Prime Minister's Office. Site name variations Sarkaly VI. 55. lelőhely 290. lelőhely Site data Site data Site ID 55552 End of excavation, fieldwork December 31, 1975 September 30, 2014 Administrative area Csongrád-Csanád Hódmezővásárhely district Hódmezővásárhely Type of archaeological site cemetery Lead archaeologist, participants, scientific responsible, institutions Lead archaeologist B., Nagy Katalin Langó, Péter - archaeologist Ages Age Medieval Period Hungarian Conquest Period Keywords excavation Documentation Documentation language Hungarian Date of creating the documentation 1984 Creator of documentation (people) László, Gyula - archaeologist Pávai, Éva Kondacs, Julianna Dudás, Andrea