The data of this archaeological site are originated from the central official archaeology database of the Prime Minister's Office. Site name variations Belterület Varga István háza Site data Site data Site ID 24800 Projects Kistapolca1 T-Mobile optikai kábel építése (400369) End of excavation, fieldwork November 8, 2004 February 18, 2016 February 29, 2016 Administrative area Baranya Siklós district Kistapolca Type of archaeological site cemetery church village settlement settlement remains Lead archaeologist, participants, scientific responsible, institutions Lead archaeologist Virágos, Gábor - archaeologist Nemes, György - archaeologist Excavation, fieldwork Forster Gyula Nemzeti Örökségvédelmi és Vagyongazdálkodási Központ Curator of archaeological collection Janus Pannonius Múzeum (Pécs) Participant/scientific responsible Melis, Eszter - archaeologist Sarkadi, Gergely - archaeologist Tóth, Zoltán - archaeologist Ages Age Prehistory Migration Period Medieval Period Copper Age Avar Árpádian Age Sub-period Late Copper Age Late Avar Age Culture / people Baden Celtic Keywords data collection Preliminary Archaeological Documentation Report (PAD) field walking on the spot site survey Documentation Documentation language Hungarian Date of creating the documentation July 16, 2003 2005 February 22, 2016 Documentation type Archival documentation Preliminary Archaeological Documentation Report (PAD) Creator of documentation (people) Ismeretlen Virágos, Gábor - archaeologist Kiss, Attila - archaeologist Klinger, László - archaeologist Nemes, György - archaeologist Creator of documentation (institution) Forster Gyula Nemzeti Örökségvédelmi és Vagyongazdálkodási Központ Janus Pannonius Múzeum (Pécs) Short description of documentation archaeological site registry data sheet field walking logbook Documentation downloads Cultural heritage protection documentations