The data of this archaeological site are originated from the central official archaeology database of the Prime Minister's Office. Archaeological Investigations in Hungary25027_Pecsvarad_2010_RKM.pdf25027_Pecsvarad_2011_2014_RKM.pdf Site name variations Bencés apátság Vár Site data Site data Site ID 25027 End of excavation, fieldwork August 8, 1958 July 26, 1964 November 19, 1965 June 18, 1966 1975 October 5, 1977 December 15, 1978 November 23, 1979 August 30, 1980 November 10, 1981 November 10, 1982 November 16, 1983 December 6, 1984 December 16, 1985 August 2, 2002 October 19, 2004 March 31, 2005 December 31, 2005 December 31, 2008 November 3, 2010 November 25, 2011 October 10, 2013 July, 2015 Administrative area Baranya Pécsvárad district Pécsvárad Type of archaeological site abbey bank uncertain building castle cellar/tavern/vault cemetery church fortification wall fontain/well gate grave monastery motte waterwork Lead archaeologist, participants, scientific responsible, institutions Lead archaeologist Kozák, Károly Ecsedy, István - archaeologist Dombay, János Papp, László Entz, Géza Kiss, Attila - archaeologist Bándi, Gábor - archaeologist Bodó, Balázs Nagy, Levente - archaeologist Miklós, Zsuzsa - archaeologist Nagy, Erzsébet - archaeologist Gáti, Csilla - archaeologist Ages Age Medieval Early Modern Age Modern Age Unknown Period Árpádian Age Late Medieval Keywords archaeological observation/watching brief excavation ceramic petrography ceramic petrography (Árpádian Age and Medieval) coin wall analysis of buildings field walking on the spot site survey oven stray find Documentation Documentation language Hungarian Date of creating the documentation 1958 April 15, 1960 January 25, 1965 1977 June 14, 1977 January 8, 1979 1980 January 9, 1980 March 15, 1982 June 28, 1982 January 11, 1984 December 29, 1984 June 9, 1986 July 16, 2003 2004 2005 2006 2009 December, 2009 February, 2011 October 25, 2013 March 24, 2014 July 2, 2015 Documentation type Archaeological Investigations in Hungary Ceramic analysis documentation Ceramic analysis documentation (Árpádian Age and Medieval) Creator of documentation (people) Kozák, Károly Papp, László Kiss, Attila - archaeologist Nagy, Erzsébet - archaeologist Miklós, Zsuzsa - archaeologist Kárpáti, Gábor - archaeologist Entz, Géza Sándy, Péterné Bándi, Gábor - archaeologist Pataki, Vidor Nagy, Levente - archaeologist Klinger, László - archaeologist Bodó, Balázs Stibrányi, Máté - archaeologist Virágos, Réka - archaeologist Gáti, Csilla - archaeologist Nagy, Balázs - archaeologist Kreiter, Attila - archaeologist, ceramic specialist Documentation downloads Site documentation