The data of this archaeological site are originated from the central official archaeology database of the Prime Minister's Office. Site name variations Vérvölgy Debrecen-Ebes-Vérvölgy Site data Site data Site ID 25299 End of excavation, fieldwork September 19, 1921 September 30, 1958 Administrative area Hajdú-Bihar Hajdúszoboszló district Ebes Type of archaeological site cemetery grave settlement remains uncertain Lead archaeologist, participants, scientific responsible, institutions Lead archaeologist Faragó, Sándor Ages Age Prehistory Migration Period Medieval Unknown Period Árpádian Age Sub-period Early Migration Period Keywords on the spot site survey stray find Documentation Documentation language Hungarian Date of creating the documentation 1958 Creator of documentation (people) Faragó, Sándor Mesterházy, Károly Ismeretlen Sőregi, János - archaeologist (1892 - 1982) Ecsedi, István Löfkovits, Artúr Nagy, József Zoltai, Lajos - archaeologist (1861 - 1939) Aranyos, Annamária - archaeologist Klinger, László - archaeologist