The data of this archaeological site are originated from the central official archaeology database of the Prime Minister's Office. Archaeological Investigations in Hungary37472_Galgagyork_2008_RKM.pdf Site name variations Csonkás-hegy Site data Site data Site ID 37472 End of excavation, fieldwork September 5, 2008 August 31, 2018 Administrative area Pest Vác district Galgagyörk Type of archaeological site uncertain settlement settlement Lead archaeologist, participants, scientific responsible, institutions Lead archaeologist Markó, András - archaeologist Excavation, fieldwork Hungarian National Museum (Budapest) Curator of archaeological collection Hungarian National Museum (Budapest) Participant/scientific responsible Kerekes, Dalma - student Zandler, Krisztián - archaeologist Király, Attila Péntek, Attila - independent researcher Ages Age Prehistory Period Palaeolithic Neolithic Sub-period Middle Palaeolithic Early Neolithic Middle-Late Neolithic Keywords excavation stray find Documentation Documentation language Hungarian Date of creating the documentation 2003 2008 September 5, 2008 September 23, 2008 January 26, 2019 Documentation type Archaeological Investigations in Hungary Creator of documentation (people) Torma, István - archaeologist Markó, András - archaeologist Markó, András - archaeologist Creator of documentation (institution) Hungarian National Museum (Budapest) Documentation downloads Site documentation