The data of this archaeological site are originated from the central official archaeology database of the Prime Minister's Office.
Site name variations
Site data
Site ID
Administrative area
Type of archaeological site
End of excavation, fieldwork
Topographic map
- 03_26169_2017_TT.pdf
Archaeological Investigations in Hungary
Lead archaeologist, participants, scientific responsible, institutions
Lead archaeologist
Participant/scientific responsible
Bózsa, Anikó - archaeologist,
Patay, Róbert - archaeologist,
Dákó, Balázs - archaeological technician ( - 2020),
Giedl, Dániel - archaeologist,
Herbst, Anna - archaeologist,
Reményi, László - archaeologist,
Kecskés, Bence - archaeological technician, geologist,
Somogyi, Ferenc - archaeological technician,
Takács, Péter - geophysicist,
Rajna, András - archaeologist,
Jászberényi, Mónika - archaeologist,
Gudmon, Sándor - metal detectorist,
Tóth, Zoltán - metal detectorist
Excavation, fieldwork
Curator of archaeological collection
Culture / people
Documentation language
Date of creating the documentation
Creator of documentation (institution)
Creator of documentation (people)
Torma, István - archaeologist,
Kővári, Klára - archaeologist,
Füredi, Ágnes - archaeologist,
Dinnyés, István - archaeologist,
Kvassay, Judit - archaeologist,
Miklós, Zsuzsa - archaeologist,
Tettamanti, Sarolta - archaeologist,
Rácz, Tibor Ákos - archaeologist,
Sarkadi, Gergely - archaeologist,
Mesterházy, Gábor - archaeologist,
Fullár, Zoltán - archaeologist
Access rights
Access rights
registered access