The data of this archaeological site are originated from the central official archaeology database of the Prime Minister's Office. Archaeological Investigations in Hungary48228_Andornaktalya_2004_RKM.pdf48228_Andornaktalya_2013_RKM.pdf Site name variations Gyilkos-tető Site data Site data Site ID 48228 End of excavation, fieldwork December 31, 2004 September 9, 2013 October 15, 2015 Administrative area Heves Egr district Andornaktálya Type of archaeological site settlement remains Lead archaeologist, participants, scientific responsible, institutions Lead archaeologist T. Dobosi, Viola - archaeologist Mester, Zsolt Gutay, Mónika - archaeologist Participant/scientific responsible Mester, Zsolt Faragó, Norbert - archaeologist Péter, Réka - archaeologist (1990 - ) Viktorik, Orsolya - geologist Máté, László - geologist Miklós, Dóra Georgina - geologist Ages Age Prehistory Period Palaeolithic Sub-period Upper Palaeolithic Culture / people Aurignac Keywords excavation field walking stone tool petrographic analysis of stone planned excavation Documentation Documentation language Hungarian Date of creating the documentation 2004 May 31, 2021 February 2, 2030 Documentation type Archaeological Investigations in Hungary Petrographic analysis of stone Creator of documentation (people) Zandler, Krisztián - archaeologist Mester, Zsolt Short description of documentation scientific documentation of the site ARIADNE resource type Scientific datasets Access rights Access rights registered access Documentation downloads Site documentation