The data of this archaeological site are originated from the central official archaeology database of the Prime Minister's Office. Archaeological Investigations in Hungary27769_Fulophaza_2010_RKM.pdf Site name variations Petőfi u. 33. Site data Site data Site ID 27769 End of excavation, fieldwork August 10, 2010 December 30, 2014 Administrative area Bács-Kiskun Kecskemét district Fülöpháza Type of archaeological site grave burial Lead archaeologist, participants, scientific responsible, institutions Lead archaeologist H., Tóth Elvira - archaeologist (1929 - 2015) Horváth, Attila - archaeologist Tankó, Károly - archaeologist, heritage expert Wilhelm, Gábor - archaeologist Ages Age Migration Period Period Neolithic Bronze Age Avar Hungarian Conquest Period Árpádian Age Sub-period Early Avar Age Culture / people Sarmatian Keywords data collection on the spot site survey Documentation Documentation language Hungarian Date of creating the documentation February 20, 2011 May 26, 2014 Documentation type Archaeological Investigations in Hungary Creator of documentation (people) Horváth, Attila - archaeologist Wilhelm, Gábor - archaeologist Tankó, Károly - archaeologist, heritage expert H., Tóth Elvira - archaeologist (1929 - 2015) Documentation downloads Site documentation