Daruszentmiklós, Alsó Pázmánd

Site name variations

Alsó Pázmánd, F04, Daruszentmiklós, Vajai-tanya II., F 05, Daruszentmiklós, Szőlő-hegy, RM 14, RM-14, Daruszentmiklós, Szőlő-hegy II., RM 07, M6/4/Fejér, M6/5/Fejér, M6/6/Fejér, Dunaföldvár, Vajai tanya, Dunaföldvár, Vajai-tanya l., F 06, Dunaföldvár, F-006, Dunaföldvár, T-006, Dunaföldvár, Vajai-tanya ll., RM 05, Dunaföldvár, Vajai-tanya III., RM 06, Dunaföldvár, RM-06, 32. lelőhely, Katalin-hegy-dél, 30. lelőhely, M6-os autópálya nyomvonala, 83+750 - 83+850 kmsz. (RM 05), M6-os autópálya nyomvonala, 83+650 - 83+960 kmsz. (RM 05), M6-os autópálya nyomvonala, 83+960 - 84+132 kmsz., M6-os autópálya nyomvonala, 83+960 - 84+120 kmsz. (F 06), M6-os autópálya nyomvonala, 84+120 - 84+150 kmsz. (RM 06), M6-os autópálya nyomvonala, 84+385 - 84+497 kmsz. (RM 14)

Site data

Site ID
Previous site IDs
End of excavation, fieldwork

Topographic map

  • 07_​1_​38582_​2008_​TT.pdf
  • 07_​1_​38583_​2008_​TT.pdf
  • 07_​1_​38584_​2008_​TT.pdf
  • 38582_​38584_​2008-​2009_​TT.pdf
  • 38582_​38584_​2008-​2009_​TT.pdf
  • 03_​59811_​2009_​TT.pdf
  • 03_​59812_​2009_​TT.pdf
  • 03_​59863_​2008-​2009_​TT.pdf
  • 03_​59867_​2009_​TT.pdf

Summarizing map

  • 07_​3_​38582_​2008_​OT.pdf
  • 07_​3_​38583_​2008_​OT.pdf
  • 07_​3_​38584_​2008_​OT.pdf

Lead archaeologist, participants, scientific responsible, institutions

Participant/scientific responsible
Cséki, Andrea - archaeologist, Herendi, Orsolya - archaeologist, Bárdos, Nándor - archaeological technician, Bernáth, László - archaeological technician, Borbély, Zsuzsanna - archaeological technician, Farkas, Árpád - archaeological technician, Fehér, Alíz - archaeological technician, Gulyás-Kis, Csaba - geologist, malacologist, Horváth, Regina - archaeological technician, Juhász, László - archaeological technician, Kakasy, Bernadett - archaeological technician, Kocsis, János - archaeological technician, Kékegyi, Dorottya - illustrator, Farkas, Gábor - photographer, Szász, Péter - archaeological technician, Veress, Marcell - archaeological technician, Víg, Anita - archaeological technician, Kemsei, Dóra - archaeologist, Herbály, Róbert - archaeologist, Szenthe, Gergely - archaeologist, Rosta, Szabolcs - archaeologist, Wilhelm, Gábor - archaeologist, Nagyné, Hodik Mónika - archaeologist, Grósz, Dóra - archaeological technician, Bányász, Diána - archaeological technician, Domján, Anita - archaeological technician, Váló, György - archaeological technician, Mohai, Gábor - archaeological technician, Bohuczki, Péter - archaeological technician, Ligeti, Gábor - archaeological technician, Horváth, András - archaeological technician, Boromisza, János - archaeological technician, Pásztor, István - archaeological technician, Telekes, Katalin Eszter - archaeologist, Nagy, Gábor - archaeological technician, Marton, Tibor - archaeologist, Torma, István - archaeologist, Szalai, Tamás - archaeologist, Kovács, Katalin - archaeologist, Kreiter, Attila - archaeologist, ceramic specialist, Tóth, Mária - XRD specialist, Bajnóczi, Bernadett - geologist, Viktorik, Orsolya - geologist, Skoda, Péter - geologist, Váczi, Gábor - archaeologist, Farkas, Zsuzsanna - archaeologist, Kázmér, Miklós - geologist, paleontologist, paleobotanist, wood anatomy, anthracotomy, László, Orsolya - anthropologist, Tugya, Beáta - archaeozoologist, Oláh, István Csaba - geologist, Dohor, János - régésztechnikus, Beluczki, Péter - régésztechnikus, Való, György - régésztechnikus, Bárány, Annamária - archaeologist, archaeozoologist
Curator of archaeological collection




Documentation language
Date of creating the documentation

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When you use information from the database it has to be referenced. How to cite: Hungarian National Museum Archaeology Database, https://archeodatabase.hnm.hu/en/node/76903, 2 February, 2025