Site data Site data Site ID 94715 Projects Veszprém, Ipari Park, 0231/15 hrsz.-ú ingatlanon logisztikai épületek építése Veszprémi logisztikai telephely (depó) fejlesztése, B3 épület I. ütem Veszprém, ipari park, B1 épület létesítése (projektkód: 401383) NRDI Fund (Transforming traditions of material culture. Spatial and temporal patterns in pottery style, production and use during the second half of the 6th millennium cal BC in SE-Transdanubia and beyond - NRDI Fund K-19/132663) End of excavation, fieldwork May 9, 2018 August 6, 2018 December 23, 2021 June 26, 2023 Administrative area Veszprém Veszprém district Veszprém Type of archaeological site building burial cemetery settlement settlement Topographic map Topographic map03_ 94715_2019_TT.pdf03_94715_2021_TT.pdf Lead archaeologist, participants, scientific responsible, institutions Lead archaeologist Lukács, Nikoletta - archaeologist Péterváry, Tamás - archaeologist Hullám, Dénes - archaeologist Buránszki, Nóra - archaeologist Balatincz, Anna - archaeologist Lukács, Nikoletta - archaeologist Excavation, fieldwork Katona József Múzeum (Kecskemét) Laczkó Dezső Múzeum (Veszprém) Archeoline Kft. Budavári Ingatlanfejlesztő és Üzemeltető Nonprofit Kft. Salisbury Régészeti Korlátolt Felelősségű Társaság Hungarian National Museum National Institute of Archaeology Curator of archaeological collection Laczkó Dezső Múzeum (Veszprém) Participant/scientific responsible Csirke, Orsolya - archaeologist Péterváry, Szanyi Brigitta Molnár, Csaba Gönczi, Vivien Molnár, Miklós - volunteer Kölesdi, Anna - volunteer, metal detectorist Kölesdi, Péter - volunteer, metal detectorist Galambos, Csilla - conservator/restorer Gaál Keller, Katalin - volunteer, metal detectorist Fehér, Péter - archaeologist Major, Péter - archaeologist Havasyné Selmeczi, Enikő - archaeological technician Linz, Gábor Makó, János Viktorik, Orsolya - geologist Kreiter, Attila - archaeologist, ceramic specialist Aradi, László Előd - geologist Ages Age Prehistory Roman Age Medieval Period Neolithic Copper Age Bronze Age Hungarian Conquest Period Árpádian Age Sub-period Middle Neolithic Late Neolithic Early Copper Age Late Copper Age Culture / people Transdanubian Linear Pottery (LBK) Lengyel Keywords data collection archaeological observation/watching brief excavation ceramic petrography complete excavation Preliminary Archaeological Documentation Report (PAD) geodetic survey geophysical survey instrumental archaeological prospection stone tool preliminary excavation test excavation Raman spectroscopy Documentation Documentation language Hungarian Date of creating the documentation August 10, 2018 November 26, 2019 April 7, 2022 June 26, 2023 Documentation type Site summary documentation (Thirty-day documentation) Archaeological site registry data sheet Ceramic analysis documentation Preliminary Archaeological Documentation Report (PAD) Creator of documentation (people) Lukács, Nikoletta - archaeologist Balatincz, Anna - archaeologist Hullám, Dénes - archaeologist Creator of documentation (institution) Katona József Múzeum (Kecskemét) Laczkó Dezső Múzeum (Veszprém) Budavári Ingatlanfejlesztő és Üzemeltető Nonprofit Kft. Salisbury Régészeti Korlátolt Felelősségű Társaság Hungarian National Museum National Institute of Archaeology Short description of documentation archaeological geophysical logbook archaeological geophysical report archaeological observation/watching brief archaeological site registry data sheet excavation documentation of the site short summary of the excavation ARIADNE resource type Event/intervention resources Access rights Access rights registered access Documentation downloads Site documentation Cultural heritage protection documentations