Site data Site data Site ID 96267 Projects M4 gyorsforgalmi út Üllő-Cegléd közötti szakaszhoz tartozó Monori Autópálya Mérnökség (K004.29) (402041) M4 – Monori Autópálya Mérnökség és Rendőrség kivitelezése (403802) End of excavation, fieldwork April 9, 2020 November 14, 2022 Administrative area Pest Monor district Monor Type of archaeological site settlement settlement Topographic map Topographic map03_402041_2020_TT.pdf Lead archaeologist, participants, scientific responsible, institutions Lead archaeologist Oláh, Irma - archaeologist Bóka, Gergely - archaeologist Patay, Róbert - archaeologist Excavation, fieldwork Hungarian National Museum (Budapest) Ferenczy Múzeumi Centrum Curator of archaeological collection Hungarian National Museum (Budapest) Participant/scientific responsible Novák, Kristóf - archaeologist Szűcs, Melinda - archaeologist Szénásy-Laczkó, Virág - archaeologist László, Eszter - archaeologist Takács, Richárd - archaeologist Ages Age Prehistory Migration Period Period Bronze Age Avar Culture / people Sarmatian Keywords archaeological observation/watching brief excavation metal detector survey geodetic survey test excavation Documentation Documentation language Hungarian Date of creating the documentation April 16, 2020 December 8, 2022 Documentation type Site summary documentation (Thirty-day documentation) Creator of documentation (people) Oláh, Irma - archaeologist Patay, Róbert - archaeologist Creator of documentation (institution) Hungarian National Museum (Budapest) Magyar Nemzeti Múzeum Régészeti Örökségvédelmi Központ Short description of documentation archaeological site registry data sheet Access rights Access rights registered access Documentation downloads Site documentation