Site data Site data Site ID 92865 Projects M34 gyorsforgalmi út Vásárosnamény-Záhony között End of excavation, fieldwork March 16, 2017 Administrative area Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg Vásárosnamény district Gyüre Type of archaeological site settlement remains Lead archaeologist, participants, scientific responsible, institutions Lead archaeologist Koller, Melinda - archaeologist Excavation, fieldwork Budavári Ingatlanfejlesztő és Üzemeltető Nonprofit Kft. Curator of archaeological collection Jósa András Múzeum (Nyíregyháza) Participant/scientific responsible Bittner, Bettina - archaeologist Sarkadi, Gergely - archaeologist Tóth, Zoltán - archaeologist Ages Age Prehistory Medieval Period Neolithic Phase 13th - 15th centuries Keywords Preliminary Archaeological Documentation Report (PAD) field walking Documentation Documentation language Hungarian Date of creating the documentation April 3, 2017 Documentation type Preliminary Archaeological Documentation Report (PAD) Creator of documentation (people) Koller, Melinda - archaeologist Creator of documentation (institution) Budavári Ingatlanfejlesztő és Üzemeltető Nonprofit Kft. Short description of documentation archaeological site registry data sheet field walking logbook Access rights Access rights registered access Documentation downloads Cultural heritage protection documentations