Site data Site data Site ID 101367 Projects Terepbejárás és műszeres lelőhelyfelderítés Pusztaberki, Kis-tormás régészeti lelőhely térségében End of excavation, fieldwork October 29, 2023 Administrative area Nógrád Rétság district Pusztaberki Type of archaeological site settlement Lead archaeologist, participants, scientific responsible, institutions Lead archaeologist Tóth, Krisztián - archaeologist Excavation, fieldwork Dornyay Béla Múzeum (Salgótarján) Curator of archaeological collection Dornyay Béla Múzeum (Salgótarján) Participant/scientific responsible D., Farkas Zsuzsa Ages Age Prehistory Roman Age Migration Period Medieval Period Neolithic Bronze Age Iron Age Avar Hungarian Conquest Period Árpádian Age Sub-period Late Iron Age Late Avar Age Culture / people Celtic Germanic Keywords Community archaeological programme metal detector survey field walking Documentation Documentation language Hungarian Date of creating the documentation January 19, 2024 Documentation type Site summary documentation (Thirty-day documentation) Creator of documentation (people) Tóth, Krisztián - archaeologist Creator of documentation (institution) Dornyay Béla Múzeum (Salgótarján) Short description of documentation archaeological site registry data sheet field walking report