Site name variations
Site data
Site ID
Administrative area
Type of archaeological site
End of excavation, fieldwork
Topographic map
- 49556_2017_TT.pdf
Lead archaeologist, participants, scientific responsible, institutions
Lead archaeologist
Reményi, László - archaeologist,
Domboróczki, László - archaeologist,
Fodor, László - archaeologist,
Kovács, Katalin - archaeologist,
Czifra, Szabolcs - archaeologist,
Gallina, József Zsolt - archaeologist,
Buránszki, Nóra - archaeologist,
Fülöp, Kristóf - archaeologist,
Hornyik, Adrienn - archaeologist
Participant/scientific responsible
Reményi, László - archaeologist,
Czifra, Szabolcs - archaeologist,
Larsson, Nicklas - archaeologist,
Schilling, László - archaeologist,
Vass, Bíborka - archaeologist,
Bicskei, József - photographer,
Boda, Péter - archaeological technician,
Fekete, Dávid - archaeological technician,
Janka, Edvárd - archaeological technician,
Kovács, Armand - archaeological technician,
Kolonits, László - archaeologist,
Bíró, Péter - research fellow, archaeologist,
Polónyi Emese - archaeological technician,
Kurucz, Máté - research fellow,
Nagy, László - archaeologist,
Stibrányi, Máté - archaeologist,
Mesterházy, Gábor - archaeologist,
Klembala, Zsombor - geophysicist,
Sarkadi, Gergely - archaeologist,
Holl, Balázs - archaeologist, geoinformatician,
Tóth, Eszter - conservator/restorer,
Hunyady, Ágnes - conservator/restorer
Excavation, fieldwork
Curator of archaeological collection
Culture / people
Documentation language
Date of creating the documentation
Creator of documentation (institution)
Creator of documentation (people)
Reményi, László - archaeologist,
Kovács, Katalin - archaeologist,
Domboróczki, László - archaeologist,
Fodor, László - archaeologist,
Hargitai, András - archaeologist,
Czifra, Szabolcs - archaeologist,
Buránszki, Nóra - archaeologist,
Hornyik, Adrienn - archaeologist,
Gallina, József Zsolt - archaeologist
Access rights
Access rights
registered access