Site name variations MRT 7. kötet 9/4. lh. Hosszú földek Belső-Új-földek Hosszú-földek MRT 7. kötet 9/15. lh. Belső Újföldek II. Site data Site data Site ID 10271 Projects DN 800 PN 63 bar nyomású gázszállító vezeték építése Százhalombatta-Perbál között The Benta Valley Project (Bronze Age) LENDÜLET/MOMENTUM (From bones, bronzes and sites to society: Multidisciplinary analysis of human mobility and social changes in Bronze Age Hungary (2500–1500 BC) End of excavation, fieldwork September 30, 2001 October 12, 2004 March 17, 2005 December 31, 2006 December 6, 2007 2008 February 15, 2008 Administrative area Pest Érd district Százhalombatta Type of archaeological site building burial cemetery settlement settlement remains villa villa Topographic map Topographic map03_10271_2009_TT.pdf Lead archaeologist, participants, scientific responsible, institutions Lead archaeologist Vicze, Magdolna - archaeologist Ottományi, Katalin - archaeologist Virágos, Gábor - archaeologist Stibrányi, Máté - archaeologist Earle, Timothy - archaeologist Excavation, fieldwork Matrica Múzuem (Százhalombatta) Curator of archaeological collection Hungarian National Museum (Budapest) Matrica Múzuem (Százhalombatta) Participant/scientific responsible Vicze, Magdolna - archaeologist Kovács, Zsófia Eszter - archaeozoologist Earle, Timothy - archaeologist Polányi, Tamás - archaeologist Artursson, Magnus - archaeologist Kreiter, Attila - archaeologist, ceramic specialist Klehm, Carla - archaeologist Ferguson, Jeffrey Kiss, Viktória - archaeologist Kulcsár, Gabriella - archaeologist Szeverényi, Vajk - archaeologist Czebreszuk, Janusz - archaeologist Jaeger, Mateusz - archaeologist Pospieszny, Łukasz - archaeologist Serlegi, Gábor - archaeologist Czukor, Péter - archaeologist Priskin, Anna - archaeologist Sánta, Gábor - archaeologist Nyíri, Borbála - archaeologist Bodnár, Csaba - archaeologist Kázmér, Miklós - geologist, paleontologist, paleobotanist, wood anatomy, anthracotomy Hajdu, Tamás - anthropologist Lakatosné Pammer, Gabriella - conservator/restorer Szakos, Éva - archaeologist Ages Age Prehistory Roman Age Period Bronze Age Iron Age Sub-period Middle Bronze Age Late Bronze Age Early Iron Age Culture / people Vatya Keywords archaeological observation/watching brief archaeological observation/watching brief archaeometry archaeozoology excavation ceramic petrography ceramic petrography (Bronze Age) field walking on the spot site survey preliminary excavation publication Documentation Documentation language English Hungarian Date of creating the documentation 1986 2001 2002 2005 October 28, 2005 2008 February 15, 2009 April 20, 2009 December 2, 2009 May 4, 2010 December 3, 2013 Documentation type Site summary documentation (Thirty-day documentation) Site assessment documentation (One-year documentation) Archaeozoological analysis Archaeological site registry data sheet Artefact photography Ceramic analysis documentation Ceramic analysis documentation (Bronze Age) A brief summary of the primary processing of the excavation Inventory Publication/Bibliography Restoration of documentation Creator of documentation (people) Vicze, Magdolna - archaeologist Kovács, Zsófia Eszter - archaeozoologist Virágos, Gábor - archaeologist Tamási, Judit - archaeologist Kvassay, Judit - archaeologist Dinnyés, István - archaeologist Kővári, Klára - archaeologist Lovag, Zsuzsa - archaeologist Tettamanti, Sarolta - archaeologist Topál, Judit - archaeologist Torma, István - archaeologist Ottományi, Katalin - archaeologist Stibrányi, Máté - archaeologist Earle, Timothy - archaeologist Polányi, Tamás - archaeologist Artursson, Magnus - archaeologist Kreiter, Attila - archaeologist, ceramic specialist Klehm, Carla - archaeologist Ferguson, Jeffrey Kiss, Viktória - archaeologist Kulcsár, Gabriella - archaeologist Szeverényi, Vajk - archaeologist Czebreszuk, Janusz - archaeologist Jaeger, Mateusz - archaeologist Pospieszny, Łukasz - archaeologist Serlegi, Gábor - archaeologist Czukor, Péter - archaeologist Priskin, Anna - archaeologist Sánta, Gábor - archaeologist Nyíri, Borbála - archaeologist Bodnár, Csaba - archaeologist Kázmér, Miklós - geologist, paleontologist, paleobotanist, wood anatomy, anthracotomy Lakatosné Pammer, Gabriella - conservator/restorer Szakos, Éva - archaeologist Kevevári, Zsolt Fűköh, Dániel - archaeologist Viktorik, Orsolya - geologist Creator of documentation (institution) Matrica Múzuem (Százhalombatta) Hungarian National Museum (Budapest) Short description of documentation archaeological site registry data sheet doscumentation of primary assessment of finds excavation documentation of the site finds inventory of the site restoration documentation of the finds short summary of the excavation scientific documentation of the site publications of the site ARIADNE resource type Burial databases Event/intervention resources Fieldwork archives Sites and monuments databases or inventories Scientific datasets Access rights Access rights registered access Documentation downloads Site documentation