Sites and monuments databases or inventories

Paks, Gyapa, Vörösmalom-dűlő, Rosti-puszta,TO 15.

Kelta temető feltárása (NKA projekt), M6 autópálya építése
M6 autópálya építése
NRDI Fund (Transforming traditions of material culture. Spatial and temporal patterns in pottery style, production and use during the second half of the 6th millennium cal BC in SE-Transdanubia and beyond - NRDI Fund K-19/132663)

Alsónyék, Bátaszék

M6-M60 autópálya építése
NRDI Fund (Transforming traditions of material culture. Spatial and temporal patterns in pottery style, production and use during the second half of the 6th millennium cal BC in SE-Transdanubia and beyond - NRDI Fund K-19/132663)

Bölcske, Gyűrűs-völgy, TO 14.

M6 autópálya építése
NRDI Fund (Transforming traditions of material culture. Spatial and temporal patterns in pottery style, production and use during the second half of the 6th millennium cal BC in SE-Transdanubia and beyond - NRDI Fund K-19/132663)

Tolna, Községi Csádés földek, TO 02.

M6 autópálya építése
OTKA (Centuries of transformation – settlement structures, settlement strategies in the central parts of the Carpathian basin in the 8th-11th century - OTKA NK 104533)